Sunday, 20 June 2010

I jinxed it

So my last blog was about how I love to ride my motorbike.... Big mistake I jinxed it.

Three days ago, me and my friend were on my motorbike on the way home. We were both really happy after spending a good night watching my friend play in a band. So anyhoo, whilst driving through the campus of a University, a bike started to drive really close to us, so close i could touch his bike- All i thought was " how weird is that" but a second later, i see that the two boys are trying to steal my friend bag from her, and as a result were also pulling my bike. The boys were thankfully not successful in getting my friends bag, but were successful in pulling me and my friend off the bike and making us fall and my bike slide down the road. The most scary experience I have had.

After we fell, I went into panic mode, screaming and crying. Thankfully my friend totally calmed me down, a kind fisherman helped us, and then the police came but nothing they can really do for us.

My injuries are not serious, a sprain, grazes and a dislocated knee. I now walk a little funny until i start to heal. Today in an effort to speed up the recovery my boyfriend took me for a traditional massage- I had to no idea what to expect, i thought maybe a light massage to release the tension- How wrong i was, i was led into a really dark and dingy room, where my blind masseuse proceeded to try to click my knee back into place, oh the pain. I screamed so much, and cried for the whole ten minutes of the hellish massage. Thankfully now, i am walking much better so that's a good sign that the pain was worth it.

I have learnt one lesson this week, don't jinx good luck.



  1. Be very careful with a dislocated knee- if it's not treated properly, it can cause long term problems. I dislocated mine last year skiing, and thankfully it was treated properly, but I have heard some very nasty stories from people who weren't treated properly.
    Get thee to a medic! Lucy x
