Friday, 9 April 2010

Cruising along

Hey Everybody,

Hope all are well.

After my last blog post my mood and feeling have now improved a little. This is due to myself having a long talk to myself( and all the lovely emails) and deciding that I need to put myself out more into the community. So I have done the following-

1. Started my indonesian language course, I am not the most academic and have the attention spam of a small new born baby but I am learning lots, and have even taken to sticking post it notes all over the house in aid of my remembering, so now my house resembles a post it note factory.... Waduh.

2. I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar since my first boyfriend inspired to me this particular instrument, I did try to go to Guitar lessons in London but my laziness made me stop... This time I have no choice as I have just paid for one months worth of lessons.. starting next week..

3. I have also come across this aerobic thing, only problems are I dont need to lose weight and it's at 6.30am in the morning( Indonesians are obsessed with waking up at 5.00am)...Maybe I will give that one a miss!

4. Anyone who knew me well, knew that I made jewellery when I was in London, so I have also found a place that runs free courses, that's great!! I just have to find the nerve to go there... I am a little scared.

5. My friend works in a hospital at the weekends volunteering for cancer patients, this is so inspiring to me, so I wanna do it too... so in a couple of weeks I will be going there too hopefully.

I suppose things are here in terms of facilitating making friends, you just have to go out and find them, and push yourself into unknown situations. For me everyday is a struggle and i am very shy when it comes to speaking Bahasa Indonesian, I can speak a lot and people have told me that my Indonesian is very good seen as I have only been here a short time, and i now speak 70% Indonesian with my boyfriend.... but people I don't know it's different I go into shy mode.... I am hoping all of these courses will help me to become more confident!

Indonesia is a great place, real friendly people and cultural I just have to embrace and adapt, to be part of a different culture is such an amazing thing so I shouldn't waste it worrying about how many friends I have but i should be worrying about how much fun I am having and how much i am learning!

Bye guys, miss everybody so much.


  1. yeah.... lets do it...
    but one thing..... dont be a lazy girl!!!! unless u wanna enjoy ur lonely time on ur bed

  2. I had made a comment on your previous post, so it was something I wanted to read on how you were able to alleviate the loneliness. Now that I have read it, I must say that you have done quite a lot. Very impressive :)
    It's amazing how much free time you have to actually indulge in so many things. It's phenomenal : Indonesian language course, Guitar lessons, potential aerobic classes, jewelry making, volunteering at the hospital. Kudos girl!
    have a lot of fun!

  3. those're nice things to do!! :)
