Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Wishing you a hot, sweaty and happy Christmas.

Hey All,

Christmas? Really!!! Not over here, with one day to go until Christmas I can tell you that it doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all, apart from the sporadic Santa Claus in the shopping mall, everything else seems to be chugging along in the same manner it always does. I like it! Memories of England during the run down to Christmas send shivers down my spine. The way it’s all hyped up to ensure maximum profits of the shops. Don’t get me wrong I like the getting together part of it, where you eat so much you think you are going to burst and you spend all day ogling at the presents you have received (maybe that’s just me) but well you can do that anytime really .My plans for Christmas Day? Oh, I will be sitting on a Train to Jakarta en-route to Singapore to do the dreaded visa run. Wish me Luck(It’s all a bit dodgy). I am also working today, so anyone that thinks Teachers have an easy life you are sadly mistaken!

Hmmmmm Work is going great, startied to make friends with people now, I love all my students who vary in age and size, and they are so god damned cute! Ha ha….

I am at present living in what they call a “ Kosti”, that’s just a fancy smancy way of saying it’s a boarding house and boy do they live up to that name.

I have rules….

  1. Be in by 9pm Mon-Fri
  2. Be in by 10pm Sat-Sun
  3. If you will be late home let the owner of the kos know so they can unlock the gate.
  4. Hang washing in a certain area of the house( must not be outside you own window)
  5. No boys allowed in the kos at any time.

Hmmmm, I got handed these rules and to say I was annoyed is an understatement, I was livid! I am a 23 year old lady who has been living alone forever, so why am I now living in a boarding house? Well, I don’t really have a choice, its this or a hotel. I am looking for a house to rent at the moment, but it’s not easy to find somewhere that’s close to work. I have viewed some houses, and to say that I wouldn’t feel safe there is an understatement. I WOULD FEEL PETRIFIED, and so would my sister if she saw them too. Basically when you rent a house out here, you don’t do the same as what you would do back home. You know spruce the place up, new furniture etc. Here, well lets just say Cats/Rats/Cockroaches and dirt have all been noted in the places I have seen. I just need to find a house soon, as I don’t feel like I can settle into life as I am on edge trying to find new living quarters. It’s all a little stressful, so my time off at Christmas will be spent in Singapore and then everyday on the back of my boyfriends scooter( getting sunburnt may I add) driving around trying to find a house to rent.

So here it is, the public apology, sorry for been so crap at keeping in touch, I have been so busy at work etc… I do no have time to do the Facebook checks as much now( a quick five minutes at work), but this is my new years resolution to keep in Touch!

Well guys, have a lovely Christmas and New Year, heop it’s filled with Love, peace and Happiness.

Peace out people.


Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Girl did Good..

Hey All,

So I thought this was blog worthy news... I GOT A JOB!

So I have just finished my 3 day demo/trial lessons in Jogja, and I got the job, I start on Monday so that's pretty cool. Now the stress begins a little though as I need to find a house to rent etc, basically i am only working next week as then the school closes for Christmas, so I have to stay in a very cheap homestay for one week and then get my boyfriend to help me rent a house for one year- so cheap to do that- 6-7million RP which is around £400 for one year, so that's all cool.

The next step is getting a scooter, as whoever has been to Indonesia knows that you really can't get around if you don't have wheels... and well a car is simply too hot, so I will be getting a scooter... The problem is that i can't drive one, it's so funny to see me drive it... i am literally screaming every time a car goes past me, or I start to wobble and brake sharply which nearly sends me and Arda over the handle bar. Hmmm so I need to really learn that soon.

During my 3 days working at the school, I had such a great time, working with different levels and ages of children, some children very loud and some very quite- both equal challenges, but such a reward when they start to learn something from you.

Oh man I can't believe I have a job, it's weird to know that I will be here now for one year for sure, maybe longer.

I miss everybody loads,

Keep in Touch,

N xxx

Monday, 7 December 2009

What's a girl got to do....

Hey All,

So here I am sitting in the internet cafe again, seems my whole life is revolving around a PC, but of course it's all productive, job hunting!

Well to be honest there is no news on the job front yet, it's all a little slow, slower than what I expected I suppose, I had notions of been able to just roll up here and get a job, sadly that's not the case. I have been for demo lessons and interviews. At first the thought of demo lessons sent a shiver down my spine, my negative thinking kinda got in the way a little... the questions- Am I good enough? Do I know what the hell I am doing? crossed my mind the first time I did a demo lesson, but it all went ok in the end, although I didn't get the job- due to been pipped to the post by a more experienced person. That's the thing.... I am new at this, and there are so many teachers around that have experience in this job, so why would somebody pick me?!.... I know why they should pick me.... I am passionate, a quick learner, I LOVE children and have so much experience in training people( my old job)... But how do I tell them to pick me!

Another stumbling block for me, is the fact that I don't have a degree, some companies wont even look at me, due to the fact that I don't have a degree, I don't get it though, I can have a degree in anything for example- Science and then they would look for favorably at me- Damn my non educational background!

I do however tomorrow have a 3 day demo lesson in Jogja, which is a cool city in central Java, really busy and full of hustle and bustle, I had the interview last week, it's a really cool office, cool people who work there and seems to have a great feel about it, so fingers crossed for that one.

The upside is that I am getting to see so much of my boyfriend, as we are living together. It's so nice... Arrrrggghhh I am getting all lovey and dovey! Ha ha.

Hmmm well ok, that's all folk, keep on stalking me..

Love and Hugs,
