Wednesday, 25 November 2009

My Course has finished!

Hey All,

Well tomorrow is the last day of my course, and it has passed in a blur!

For nearly four weeks, I have been studying, doing homework and planning lessons, and I must say that I am a little glad that I can have a break for a while.... My brain is starting to hurt just a little. Who knew that the English language was just so complex, here was me thinking that there was only 3 tenses....... when hold it! there are actually 9, oh how little we do get taught in England.
So I am now trying to cram in all basic grammar in every spare moment that I have, with the help of my boyfriend( who ashamedly is better in the grammar department than me) I should have a clear grasp on it in about 5 million years!

So tomorrow, i am officially not studying, and officially unemployed and that is bloody scary! NO JOB.... for 6 months now i have been flitting around carefree and now i need to start to work! Whoop Whoop. My course has prepared me for the realms of teaching and I can't wait, it's such a great buzz to teach children English as you really get to see your teaching rubbing off onto the kids. Such a great feeling. Oh there have been times where the children have been uber challenging and damned right annoying... But they are children I suppose that's what they are programmed to do.

On the job front, I have three potential's lined up. I had an interview on Saturday for an amazing one which is located in Solo- Central Java, this is the one I really want, the people who run the school are amazing and the school and it's curriculum look great- They have requested references, so fingers crossed I could get this one.
Another one which is in Semarang, which is where my boyfriend Arda lives, I had the interview and now have a demo lesson to do on Monday( I am ssccccaaaared!!)
Another interview happening on Wednesday with the biggest english school in Indonesia, in a great location Jogja....

So keep your fingers and toes crossed for me please! I NEED AND WANT A JOB!

Ok well anyway enough talking, I hope that everyone is ok...

Speak soon.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

All Burnt Out

Hey Everybody,

Well I have been here for nearly two weeks and I am burnt out, I am tired, sick and restless.....
I think all I want now is some semblance of a routine, some security that I am going to have a job.

Well the course that I am on is all good, I am working like a dog to make sure that my little brain takes in all the information that is been told to me, I did an exam today which contributes to my final score, I got 85 out of 100, so that's cool I passed that one, I got the worse out of the class but I am happy cos at least I passed this one. I never thought that I would be the best anyway.

On the job front I am searching everyday and emailing every day to try and find a job, it's not easy.... let me tell you, for the people that said it would be... It's not! I have an interview on Saturday in central Java for a teaching position so lets see how that goes.

It's fun but I am drained of all energies at the moment, I am sick!! I think I am just doing way too much here and with the heat, bad food combo it's really effecting me.

Kinda sucks but hey that's life.

Will keep you all posted in regards to the job search!
