Well tomorrow is the last day of my course, and it has passed in a blur!
For nearly four weeks, I have been studying, doing homework and planning lessons, and I must say that I am a little glad that I can have a break for a while.... My brain is starting to hurt just a little. Who knew that the English language was just so complex, here was me thinking that there was only 3 tenses....... when hold it! there are actually 9, oh how little we do get taught in England.
So I am now trying to cram in all basic grammar in every spare moment that I have, with the help of my boyfriend( who ashamedly is better in the grammar department than me) I should have a clear grasp on it in about 5 million years!
So tomorrow, i am officially not studying, and officially unemployed and that is bloody scary! NO JOB.... for 6 months now i have been flitting around carefree and now i need to start to work! Whoop Whoop. My course has prepared me for the realms of teaching and I can't wait, it's such a great buzz to teach children English as you really get to see your teaching rubbing off onto the kids. Such a great feeling. Oh there have been times where the children have been uber challenging and damned right annoying... But they are children I suppose that's what they are programmed to do.
On the job front, I have three potential's lined up. I had an interview on Saturday for an amazing one which is located in Solo- Central Java, this is the one I really want, the people who run the school are amazing and the school and it's curriculum look great- They have requested references, so fingers crossed I could get this one.
Another one which is in Semarang, which is where my boyfriend Arda lives, I had the interview and now have a demo lesson to do on Monday( I am ssccccaaaared!!)
Another interview happening on Wednesday with the biggest english school in Indonesia, in a great location Jogja....
So keep your fingers and toes crossed for me please! I NEED AND WANT A JOB!
Ok well anyway enough talking, I hope that everyone is ok...
Speak soon.