Friday, 30 October 2009

Not Really a worthy Post but hey I am bored....

So Hey all,

I don't really have much to say on this one to be honest, i think I am doing this more because I am bored in Dubai Airport, so I thought I would inflict some of my boredom onto you all too.....

Last week in London passed in a blur, meeting friends and doing all the planning to leave again, made my one week seem like a day!!! Oh I sit here now in Dubai airport after consuming a burger king... I hate it when I have to eat fast food( I am not really a fast food fan), but in fear of spending far too much money in one of the various fancy smancy restaurants here in the airport, I ended up having a chicken burger- Yum Yum- and more importantly how much did u want to know that! ha ha. I do hate these long haul flights they make me very moody and tired, so having my bank card stopped by the Fraud protection people at HSBC did nothing to calm my Travel rage as I like to call it. Oh the person on the phone at HSBC got an earful!! not their fault though.

Another thing that is bugging me is the fact that i have seen all the films that are playing on the plane, same old same old... can they please change them, it seems that even after my five month stint around Asia they are still playing the same movies... Very Boring for me. Although I am finding some solace in the Twilight books that were bought for me by the "A" you know who u are! Oh Edward.... but Jacob is also growing on me too.... If only i was Bella.

Ok I think u get the jist of it, I am a little bored!!!

Hmmmmm, well I will be boarding my next flight to Jakarta in the next hour, so i will leave you all be.

Keep in touch,

Niketa xxxx

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Hong Kong Fuey

Hey All,

I am back Again from Hong Kong! Had a lovely 10 Days with sister and dad, and i am ashamed to admit it that i didn't do many touristy things, but I did however get sucked into the cheap shopping( that's touristy right)?! He he. So anyhow found Hong Kong to be a cool bustling place, with a great backdrop to it, everywhere you go there is huge tall buildings, and looming in the background you find those huge mountains! So cool! Suffered from severe jet lag which is strange as I have never really experienced it before, so me and my sister Nikesha would find ourselves at 3am wide awake and pretty much bored as there wasn't much to do at that time! I think that my body clock is well and truly screwed up for a while now, what with all this flying around everywhere!

Starting to feel the nerves now with this whole move to Asia thing! i really hope to find a job in Indonesia, I have been assured that I will no problem but for those of you that know me, I am a bit of a worrier! So I worry! 

Well I am going to keep this blog up and running for the for-seeable future as i would like to keep everyone up to date on how I am doing when I am looking for a job, studying and then finally working!!

Speak soon peeps...

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Back To England With an Almighty Bump

Hey All,

So here i am back in Sunny England- Bah! 
As soon as I touched down into England I burst into tears, I miss Asia so much.
For the last two weeks of my travels I went back to Indonesia- and really loved it... the vibe, the beauty and the people. 
Traveling is a great experience, as cliched as it sounds I have utterly changed as a person, those little things that really mattered to me before i went seem so insignificant to me now... Living out of a bag for four months has also made me realise how materialistic I really was..
I suppose I have become more confident in my own skin and have come to accept who I am as a person.

Thinking about working in an office or a high pressured job just sends me into a fit of shivers, so I have decided to take the plunge and invest in a teacher training certificate( TEFL) I will be doing this in Indonesia for four weeks in November, then I am out on my own looking for a job as a teacher... Scary but exciting thought, I suppose four months ago I would have never even thought about doing something like this- venturing into the unknown, but traveling and working alone in a place that I do not know has inspired me to embrace a new culture and experience- I also really want to learn a new language so this is the perfect chance to do so..

So I am off to Hong Kong in three Days, where I will be spending time with my sister and Dad- will be there for 10 Days and then I am back in the UK for a week, and then off again. Its all go and scary... But life is too short to worry..!!!

So if anyone wants to meet up, hook up whatever lemme me know.

much love x