Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Wishing you a hot, sweaty and happy Christmas.

Hey All,

Christmas? Really!!! Not over here, with one day to go until Christmas I can tell you that it doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all, apart from the sporadic Santa Claus in the shopping mall, everything else seems to be chugging along in the same manner it always does. I like it! Memories of England during the run down to Christmas send shivers down my spine. The way it’s all hyped up to ensure maximum profits of the shops. Don’t get me wrong I like the getting together part of it, where you eat so much you think you are going to burst and you spend all day ogling at the presents you have received (maybe that’s just me) but well you can do that anytime really .My plans for Christmas Day? Oh, I will be sitting on a Train to Jakarta en-route to Singapore to do the dreaded visa run. Wish me Luck(It’s all a bit dodgy). I am also working today, so anyone that thinks Teachers have an easy life you are sadly mistaken!

Hmmmmm Work is going great, startied to make friends with people now, I love all my students who vary in age and size, and they are so god damned cute! Ha ha….

I am at present living in what they call a “ Kosti”, that’s just a fancy smancy way of saying it’s a boarding house and boy do they live up to that name.

I have rules….

  1. Be in by 9pm Mon-Fri
  2. Be in by 10pm Sat-Sun
  3. If you will be late home let the owner of the kos know so they can unlock the gate.
  4. Hang washing in a certain area of the house( must not be outside you own window)
  5. No boys allowed in the kos at any time.

Hmmmm, I got handed these rules and to say I was annoyed is an understatement, I was livid! I am a 23 year old lady who has been living alone forever, so why am I now living in a boarding house? Well, I don’t really have a choice, its this or a hotel. I am looking for a house to rent at the moment, but it’s not easy to find somewhere that’s close to work. I have viewed some houses, and to say that I wouldn’t feel safe there is an understatement. I WOULD FEEL PETRIFIED, and so would my sister if she saw them too. Basically when you rent a house out here, you don’t do the same as what you would do back home. You know spruce the place up, new furniture etc. Here, well lets just say Cats/Rats/Cockroaches and dirt have all been noted in the places I have seen. I just need to find a house soon, as I don’t feel like I can settle into life as I am on edge trying to find new living quarters. It’s all a little stressful, so my time off at Christmas will be spent in Singapore and then everyday on the back of my boyfriends scooter( getting sunburnt may I add) driving around trying to find a house to rent.

So here it is, the public apology, sorry for been so crap at keeping in touch, I have been so busy at work etc… I do no have time to do the Facebook checks as much now( a quick five minutes at work), but this is my new years resolution to keep in Touch!

Well guys, have a lovely Christmas and New Year, heop it’s filled with Love, peace and Happiness.

Peace out people.


Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Girl did Good..

Hey All,

So I thought this was blog worthy news... I GOT A JOB!

So I have just finished my 3 day demo/trial lessons in Jogja, and I got the job, I start on Monday so that's pretty cool. Now the stress begins a little though as I need to find a house to rent etc, basically i am only working next week as then the school closes for Christmas, so I have to stay in a very cheap homestay for one week and then get my boyfriend to help me rent a house for one year- so cheap to do that- 6-7million RP which is around £400 for one year, so that's all cool.

The next step is getting a scooter, as whoever has been to Indonesia knows that you really can't get around if you don't have wheels... and well a car is simply too hot, so I will be getting a scooter... The problem is that i can't drive one, it's so funny to see me drive it... i am literally screaming every time a car goes past me, or I start to wobble and brake sharply which nearly sends me and Arda over the handle bar. Hmmm so I need to really learn that soon.

During my 3 days working at the school, I had such a great time, working with different levels and ages of children, some children very loud and some very quite- both equal challenges, but such a reward when they start to learn something from you.

Oh man I can't believe I have a job, it's weird to know that I will be here now for one year for sure, maybe longer.

I miss everybody loads,

Keep in Touch,

N xxx

Monday, 7 December 2009

What's a girl got to do....

Hey All,

So here I am sitting in the internet cafe again, seems my whole life is revolving around a PC, but of course it's all productive, job hunting!

Well to be honest there is no news on the job front yet, it's all a little slow, slower than what I expected I suppose, I had notions of been able to just roll up here and get a job, sadly that's not the case. I have been for demo lessons and interviews. At first the thought of demo lessons sent a shiver down my spine, my negative thinking kinda got in the way a little... the questions- Am I good enough? Do I know what the hell I am doing? crossed my mind the first time I did a demo lesson, but it all went ok in the end, although I didn't get the job- due to been pipped to the post by a more experienced person. That's the thing.... I am new at this, and there are so many teachers around that have experience in this job, so why would somebody pick me?!.... I know why they should pick me.... I am passionate, a quick learner, I LOVE children and have so much experience in training people( my old job)... But how do I tell them to pick me!

Another stumbling block for me, is the fact that I don't have a degree, some companies wont even look at me, due to the fact that I don't have a degree, I don't get it though, I can have a degree in anything for example- Science and then they would look for favorably at me- Damn my non educational background!

I do however tomorrow have a 3 day demo lesson in Jogja, which is a cool city in central Java, really busy and full of hustle and bustle, I had the interview last week, it's a really cool office, cool people who work there and seems to have a great feel about it, so fingers crossed for that one.

The upside is that I am getting to see so much of my boyfriend, as we are living together. It's so nice... Arrrrggghhh I am getting all lovey and dovey! Ha ha.

Hmmm well ok, that's all folk, keep on stalking me..

Love and Hugs,


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

My Course has finished!

Hey All,

Well tomorrow is the last day of my course, and it has passed in a blur!

For nearly four weeks, I have been studying, doing homework and planning lessons, and I must say that I am a little glad that I can have a break for a while.... My brain is starting to hurt just a little. Who knew that the English language was just so complex, here was me thinking that there was only 3 tenses....... when hold it! there are actually 9, oh how little we do get taught in England.
So I am now trying to cram in all basic grammar in every spare moment that I have, with the help of my boyfriend( who ashamedly is better in the grammar department than me) I should have a clear grasp on it in about 5 million years!

So tomorrow, i am officially not studying, and officially unemployed and that is bloody scary! NO JOB.... for 6 months now i have been flitting around carefree and now i need to start to work! Whoop Whoop. My course has prepared me for the realms of teaching and I can't wait, it's such a great buzz to teach children English as you really get to see your teaching rubbing off onto the kids. Such a great feeling. Oh there have been times where the children have been uber challenging and damned right annoying... But they are children I suppose that's what they are programmed to do.

On the job front, I have three potential's lined up. I had an interview on Saturday for an amazing one which is located in Solo- Central Java, this is the one I really want, the people who run the school are amazing and the school and it's curriculum look great- They have requested references, so fingers crossed I could get this one.
Another one which is in Semarang, which is where my boyfriend Arda lives, I had the interview and now have a demo lesson to do on Monday( I am ssccccaaaared!!)
Another interview happening on Wednesday with the biggest english school in Indonesia, in a great location Jogja....

So keep your fingers and toes crossed for me please! I NEED AND WANT A JOB!

Ok well anyway enough talking, I hope that everyone is ok...

Speak soon.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

All Burnt Out

Hey Everybody,

Well I have been here for nearly two weeks and I am burnt out, I am tired, sick and restless.....
I think all I want now is some semblance of a routine, some security that I am going to have a job.

Well the course that I am on is all good, I am working like a dog to make sure that my little brain takes in all the information that is been told to me, I did an exam today which contributes to my final score, I got 85 out of 100, so that's cool I passed that one, I got the worse out of the class but I am happy cos at least I passed this one. I never thought that I would be the best anyway.

On the job front I am searching everyday and emailing every day to try and find a job, it's not easy.... let me tell you, for the people that said it would be... It's not! I have an interview on Saturday in central Java for a teaching position so lets see how that goes.

It's fun but I am drained of all energies at the moment, I am sick!! I think I am just doing way too much here and with the heat, bad food combo it's really effecting me.

Kinda sucks but hey that's life.

Will keep you all posted in regards to the job search!


Friday, 30 October 2009

Not Really a worthy Post but hey I am bored....

So Hey all,

I don't really have much to say on this one to be honest, i think I am doing this more because I am bored in Dubai Airport, so I thought I would inflict some of my boredom onto you all too.....

Last week in London passed in a blur, meeting friends and doing all the planning to leave again, made my one week seem like a day!!! Oh I sit here now in Dubai airport after consuming a burger king... I hate it when I have to eat fast food( I am not really a fast food fan), but in fear of spending far too much money in one of the various fancy smancy restaurants here in the airport, I ended up having a chicken burger- Yum Yum- and more importantly how much did u want to know that! ha ha. I do hate these long haul flights they make me very moody and tired, so having my bank card stopped by the Fraud protection people at HSBC did nothing to calm my Travel rage as I like to call it. Oh the person on the phone at HSBC got an earful!! not their fault though.

Another thing that is bugging me is the fact that i have seen all the films that are playing on the plane, same old same old... can they please change them, it seems that even after my five month stint around Asia they are still playing the same movies... Very Boring for me. Although I am finding some solace in the Twilight books that were bought for me by the "A" you know who u are! Oh Edward.... but Jacob is also growing on me too.... If only i was Bella.

Ok I think u get the jist of it, I am a little bored!!!

Hmmmmm, well I will be boarding my next flight to Jakarta in the next hour, so i will leave you all be.

Keep in touch,

Niketa xxxx

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Hong Kong Fuey

Hey All,

I am back Again from Hong Kong! Had a lovely 10 Days with sister and dad, and i am ashamed to admit it that i didn't do many touristy things, but I did however get sucked into the cheap shopping( that's touristy right)?! He he. So anyhow found Hong Kong to be a cool bustling place, with a great backdrop to it, everywhere you go there is huge tall buildings, and looming in the background you find those huge mountains! So cool! Suffered from severe jet lag which is strange as I have never really experienced it before, so me and my sister Nikesha would find ourselves at 3am wide awake and pretty much bored as there wasn't much to do at that time! I think that my body clock is well and truly screwed up for a while now, what with all this flying around everywhere!

Starting to feel the nerves now with this whole move to Asia thing! i really hope to find a job in Indonesia, I have been assured that I will no problem but for those of you that know me, I am a bit of a worrier! So I worry! 

Well I am going to keep this blog up and running for the for-seeable future as i would like to keep everyone up to date on how I am doing when I am looking for a job, studying and then finally working!!

Speak soon peeps...

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Back To England With an Almighty Bump

Hey All,

So here i am back in Sunny England- Bah! 
As soon as I touched down into England I burst into tears, I miss Asia so much.
For the last two weeks of my travels I went back to Indonesia- and really loved it... the vibe, the beauty and the people. 
Traveling is a great experience, as cliched as it sounds I have utterly changed as a person, those little things that really mattered to me before i went seem so insignificant to me now... Living out of a bag for four months has also made me realise how materialistic I really was..
I suppose I have become more confident in my own skin and have come to accept who I am as a person.

Thinking about working in an office or a high pressured job just sends me into a fit of shivers, so I have decided to take the plunge and invest in a teacher training certificate( TEFL) I will be doing this in Indonesia for four weeks in November, then I am out on my own looking for a job as a teacher... Scary but exciting thought, I suppose four months ago I would have never even thought about doing something like this- venturing into the unknown, but traveling and working alone in a place that I do not know has inspired me to embrace a new culture and experience- I also really want to learn a new language so this is the perfect chance to do so..

So I am off to Hong Kong in three Days, where I will be spending time with my sister and Dad- will be there for 10 Days and then I am back in the UK for a week, and then off again. Its all go and scary... But life is too short to worry..!!!

So if anyone wants to meet up, hook up whatever lemme me know.

much love x

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Its nearly that time to say goodbye to Malaysia...

Hey all....

So have been in Malaysia for the past two weeks, doing various bits and bobs....

have been working with a company that does volunteer work for local communities, so I have been building an eco friendly toilet waste system( how glam does that sound) and in this immense heat let me tell you how bloody hard that is. I have also been teaching English to underprivelged children- made my day that I could make them happy... all they wanted was a little bit of love, and for anyone who knows me well.... I am a sucker for asian children so I was well in my element..It was so nice to see how happy the children could be without all the materlistic things that we all have back at home.... I made a special bond with two little girls- one named Siti who was 11 and the other was called lori-ena.... who was 8( she was my fav).

I also got to see an in-habited island called Mantini island... UR-mazing place..... paradise....
Was also great to see how people lived on an island- the total people living there were 800 so really small, I found it weird the contrast between the beauty of the beach and then the poor living conditions that the villagers lived in.... BUT- they always had a smile on their face. I had the pleasure of sleeping in a hammock for a couple of nights, literally five steps away from the beach, must admit was the most uncomfortable sleep i have ever had- I actually felt like i was in a plastic bag- roasting alive.. Ha ha- But an experience none the less.

I leave Malaysia in Three days time, but before I leave i am fitting in one more island tour and then diving which I am so excited about- waaaaaa how cool...

I am back to Indonesia for a couple of weeks to see a friend, then I hit the uk shores on the 5th October... but before you get excited I am there for a few days then off to Hong Kong and China to see Pops....

Oh man it kinda sucks I am coming home soon.... I am not too sure how I feel about that one, and how long I intend to stick around.

Love you all and see you all very soon...


Friday, 28 August 2009

GoodBye Indonesia.. Hello Malaysia and Singapore

Hey all,

Well my last post was a sorry effort to sum up what I have done so far here, and with Lots of spelling mistakes... Sorry I was tired!!

So I am still in Indonesia for another three days and I am gutted to leave this place, Indonesia has truly won my heart, and is by far the best place I have traveled and holidayed in.

I have had such a busy month here.. I have done so much.

Trekking, swimming with Sharks, Discovering new Islands, Sunbathing(of course), Traditional puppet shows- where I was a VIP due to me been english and Chinese!, Paintballing in Intense heat, Visiting a zoo where we were the only people there, going to a Bird Market- which made me Cry and nearly catching rabies off a possum that tried to bite my hand off!

I have traveled in The Java area visiting.... Borobodour, Karimjawa islands, Solo, Samerang, Yoygkarta, Jepara.... so a busy and confusing month as the public transport here is rather confusing!!

So I am off to Singapore for four days on Tuesday which I am nervous about as I am all alone!! Boo Hoo.. then to Malaysia for one month.

Home time fast approaching and I must say that I don't want to come back!! I love it over here.... so who knows how long I am going to stay in England... But it will be good to see everyone again.. Miss you all.

Love you

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


Hey Guys... Right well here is my update so far on Indonesia...

Have been here for one week now, and i have to say that I really love this place, for three weeks i am traveling everywhere really, Java, Samerang and Karimjua islands...

so far this week I have done a sunrise trek which was an 5 Mile walk uphill at 3.30am in the morning that was hard, I have zipwired from a moutain.. paintballed, stayed in the highest village in Indonesia where the the temperature was about -5.. so cold, I am not used to those temperatures after living in such warm climates for a while.

Of all the places I have been to I can say that I love this place and it's my favorite for sure.

Just a short entry today...will update more soon.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Elephants and Goodbye Thailand...

Hey all,

So just finished my two weeks of elephant volunteering, and it was amazing!!

I was based in the north of Thailand in a small province called Phitsanaluk, on arriving at the camp i discovered that we were staying in mud huts for two weeks- and in those mud huts lived an array of creepy crawlies... from Scorpions, Cockaroaches, Beetles( and then all the mentioned AGAIN but with wings), Geckos, Giant blood sucking mozzies- you name it, it was there. So had to face another fear of mine there.

For two weeks we washed, fed and rode the elephants every day- which was an amazing experience. I did have a near death experience whilst riding the elephant- which involved a Deer and a stampede of scared elephants and me jumping off... but when I see you all i will tell you- i wouldnt be able to put into words how frikkin scary it really was!!

The group that i was with were amazing, and yet again i said goodbye to all of them today and yesterday.. Not good times!

I am now in Bangkok AGAIN.. I really should call this place my second home- where i am spending the day before i jet off to Indonesia for a month... downside to that is that my flight is at some ungodly hour with two stopovers and three planes... not good times... Cue bad mood tomorrow.

Well that's your lots for now, will keep you posted as to what is happening in Indonesia..

Love you all miss you all.

Niketa xxxx

Thursday, 16 July 2009

End of the Orphanage and onto Elephants....

Hey Everyone,

So completed my time at the orphanage project, and feel quite happy that I have contributed in some way to making the kids life a little bit better...

For majority of the week I have( Wait for it).....

Been Bricklaying for the week, and building a wall for a new library that is to be built, sounds rubbish but I was proud of my wall at the end, and was even known as the bricklaying master, maybe thats my new career path when I get back home!

I am now in Krabi on Ao Nang beach where today I did the Koh Phi Phi island tour, as it's monsoon season over here at the moment the speedboat ride was TERRIBLE! The thought that I might die did cross my mind a few times whilst we were rocketing over the huge swells. Thankfully i am alive to re-live the tales. Phi Phi island is lovely- although too touristy now, which ruins the whole ambience of the place, amazing cliffs and clear waters made up for that though. Doing Krabi alone so kinda missing having my buddies with me! I MISS YOU ALL!

I head back to Bangkok on Saturday for the night, and then onto Phitunsluk- Wang Thong to be a Mahout for two weeks which should be lots of fun, I only hope that they treat the elephants with care and not handle them violently, as I went to see a elephant show in Ayutta(not sure if u spell it like that) and I was brought to tears by how they were treating the elephants, making them dance and kneel to attention- one can only think how they train them in order to make them do these tricks.

Kinda looking forward to August now, as this is when I move over to my new destination Indonesia- Yay! Can't wait, Although I love Thailand, I think a change of scenery is now needed.
But i do want to come back to Thailand and do the island tour more- so if you wanna come then let me know!

Ok well will stop yapping on now, hope everyone is ok- sorry I am sooooo P00 at keeping in touch.

Much Love

Niketa xxxx

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Orphanage and Goodbyes.

Hey All,

Just returned back from one week on Koh Samet where it was Party Party everynight, sunbathing, jetskiing etc. On saturday I had to say goodbye to all my fellow travellers that I had been travelling around with for the month, and it was one of the hardest things I had to do. As the group had created such a strong bond the whole time that we were away together... I miss you guys! I am now back in Singburi where I am doing Orphanage work, today was my first day in the orphanage and I wanted to cry as soon as I stepped into the place. A bad smell took over the whole grounds and children running everywhere, some of them looking sick, others covered in bites from head to toe- which I later discovered was due to the boys room been an open area as they cannot afford at the moment to cover the windows to stop the mozzies from coming in. Liertally around 50 children crammed into a very small room- the only saving grace was that they had beds that had been donated by previous volunteers. Today I have been doing construction work- tiling the staff room( which I am not happy about as the staff room is not the most important thing that needs to be seen to)- Tomorrow however I am helping in building a seating area for the children which will be in the school Yard. I get to play with the children and have already made a little bond with a small skinny Thai girl named Nas-damy(I think). She is now proudly wearing a ring that I gave to her- Very Cute check her out on Facebook when I upload pictures on Saturday. One of the Co-ordinators told me that most of the girls who are there end up in the sex industry in Pattaya as there parent send them when they are 15 to earn money, and the boys seem to end up in the Thai Mafia- Heartbreaking stuff, but although there is much sadness there, all the children seem to be running around with smiles on their faces. Thailand really is the land of smiles!

When I get back home, I would like to raise some money to send over here, to provide anything from mozzie nets to new fans( I will keep my eyes peeled for the most needed things). so if anyone wants to contribute then please let me know when you see me, trust me its for a worthy cause.

Thanks for reading this, and miss you all.

Much Love

Sunday, 28 June 2009

The Hardest week of My Life

Hey Hey everyone,

I am alive still.... after what can only be described as the hardest week of my life... Trekking!!

If I wrote all the things that I did last week I would be here for hours, and you guys would fall asleep of boredom, but to some up...

Arrived at Phutonei National Park and did the following-

1. Climbed the Highest point in Thailand.. took a long time and with the steepness and humidity was a personal challenge.
2. Climbed a massive waterfall- slippery rocks and no safety harnesses made that soooooo Hard.
3. Climbed and crawled in three caves- each one offering a new challenge- Bats, Spiders and small crevices etc.
4. Sleeping in a tent for 4 Nights- no sleep.... I hate tents!
5. Cold bucket showers- Man they suck! Literally had to throw ice cold water over myself to stay clean- not nice.
6. Living with various creepy crawlies, some as big as my hand- yak!
7. Living with no electricity at all, no phone, no Luxuries.
Sounds like hell, but it was amazing, I feel so great that I have faced so many of my fears doing this week, for those of you who know me you know I hate spiders and heights, but I have managed to overcome them now. When i finished my trek up Wada mountain I was so overwhelmed with emotions I had a little cry... I couldnt believe I did it!
In Koh samet at the moment, where I shall be doing Para-Gliding- another challenge! After this week I shall be starting my month long volunteer work- starting with the Orphanage which I can't wait to do, and then onto the elephant Santuary.
This week I a hard week as I have to say goodbye to all my buddies that I have been with for the past month- bonds are made so quickly over here so should be an emotional day on Saturday- Boo Hoo.

Ok well, keep reading. Miss u all.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

The Koh Islands

Ok so the last time I wrote on the blog i was in a rural place called Singburi- with pretty much nothing going on there so some of the group decided that we should head on over to Koh Toa... well let me say that it was amazing, we spend 5 Nights over there, and it was like paradise, lots of sun sea and you know the rest of it.
Did a day on a boat snorkelling which was good and bad, as the waters were so choppy we all felt like we were going to Puke! and plus the water was splashing into the boat- not good times!
Nightlife is pretty cool in Koh Toa- but most of the group were tired( we are all getting old) so we didnt go to crazy, but last night which was our last night in Koh Toa- we did go a little crazy... just a little, but I won't delve into details too much...
Back to Singburi tomorrow where i will be doing the weeks trek in a national park, and then after that we are going to Koh Samet for the week.. and after that the work starts where I will be working in an orpahange for two weeks and then off to the elephant sanctuary can't wait. Hope you are enjoying the photo's on Facebook... More to come.

Sorry haven't really delved into everything we have been doing, as I would be here all day and night...

Well Miss u all loads, I am off to Thai Bikram Yoga now... Should be an experience. xxx

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The First of Five Days

Well here I am in Thailand, and so far it has been a interesting five days here!

Arrived into Bangkok feeling tired and basically rubbish! but soon got over that when I saw just how bloody cool Bangkok is, lots of Crazt Tuk Tuks zipping in and out of the roads- Ur-Mazing! we should so invent those for London.. I am on it already.

First Night we decided to be crazy and see a ping pong show, which was lets say the most surreal experience ever- for those of you who dont know what it is, it's basically a weird show that involves varoius objects coming out of a ladies nether region! Weird, but strangely entertaining!
Second day was crammed to the rafters with Temples- Note to myself never to go and see another temple again... ZZZZzzzz.. in the night we went to a show called Calyspo where lots of hot Lady Boys danced and pranced around the stage.. Cool Pictures on Facebook! We ended up in a bar on Koh Sam road- which ended with us street dancing and entertaining a throng of people- Oh the Hilarity!

I am now in a small Province called Singburi where we are getting submerged in Thai Culture- Cue more temples etc, but have also been able to see lots of elephants swimming in the river, which was amazing. We have two weeks of culture week where are going to be shown around lots of temples, so half the group have decided to rebel and go and travel to one of the islands.
So me and Sab's have decided to have a mini adventure and travel to one of the islands- but not decided which one yet! SSSoooooo Exciting!

Well I could gabble all day on this thing, but I won't. Having good times, and bad... but not missing home yet, just the people!

Keep checking.

Much Love


Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Good bye everyone!!!

Good bye everyone!!

well it's here one more sleep then i am up up and away! Yay.
Just want to say goodbye to all, and that i am going to miss everyone who know's me!

Keep on checking the blog, as the next time i update it, it will be from Thailand.

Catch you all later,

Much Love

Niketa x

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

It's soooooooooo Nearly here

OMG... six days to go. How time flies when you are literally clock watching every day( note sarcasm) feels like I have been counting down when I am going for the past 4 gazillion years!

Thanks to all who came to see me off on my leaving party- nice to know i am so popular- LOL!(god I hate that word- Laugh out Loud- stuuuuuuupid).

Packed my backpack yesterday and let's just say that there is no room at all for anything else- literally i will be carrying what resembles a big fat body in a black bag- and boy does it feel like it too!

That's all for now,

Lots of Love from the

Unemployed Bum! xxx

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Officially 18 days away from been in the lovely place that is Thailand..... I still have so much to plan and i am now starting to panic as i don't think my backpack is big enough to hold all of those dresses and stuff that I am taking...

One more week of work to go( i am so going to miss my home for the past five years).
Its all becoming a little bit more real as the days go by, it's only now that the fact I am going to be away for four months is sinking in... i am already missing my amazing sisters and best Friend Aylin... Boo Hoo...

Well that's the moan over with now, will update more nearer to D day.

Peace out, over and out.

XOXO( style of gossip girls)

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

God knows how i actually managed to create this blog-not so blond then!
Well it's 53 Days until I leave England and take my first flight to Thailand for eight weeks, where I will be Trekking in Mountains, yep you heard right- mountains, take it I wont be wearing make up then- god help the poor animals who have to endure that! Then working in an orphanage for two weeks, as well as working with elephants for two weeks also. For the other month I will be bumming around, visiting temples, staying with monks- you know the usual things we do in England!!( Not). Then off to Malaysia for a month where  i will be working in a school for a week and then for the rest of the time exploring. Well that's the last blog until i am over there- so keep on checking this out...